Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 1
Monday 6 February – Sunday 12 February
Dear parents and families
Nau mai haere mai ki nga tauira me te whānau
It is wonderful to have this opportunity to welcome you all to the 2023 year at Napier Boys’ High School. Whether students are returning, or they are new to our school, we are excited to discover their talents and share in their success. We look forward very much to sharing the year with you.
I hope you have been able to relax and enjoy the summer break and that you have been able to spend quality time with whānau.
It is a welcome relief to be able to begin the year without restrictions, with the enthusiasm of being able to enjoy a ‘normal’ start! The past three years have certainly been challenging for all, as we have faced the uncertainty of COVID. Fortunately, we have had the consistent support of our staff, students, and whānau to get us through. Ka nui te mihi – thank you.
This year, we begin with a sense of eager anticipation, with gratitude for your past support and manaakitanga. We look to the future with steadfast optimism.
As we navigate through this year, I want our young men to think about how they can contribute, how they can be intentional in their approach and to think about what makes them happy. Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady to the president of the United States once said, “Happiness is not a goal…it’s a by-product of a life well-lived.” Happiness comes from within, from making wise choices, including choosing to be happy.
So, as our students begin the 2023 academic year, we hope that you will do so with passion and excitement. We are determined to make school a place where students feel valued, have a sense of belonging and are happy. Our wish is that we all embrace opportunity with purpose and experience a happy and successful year.
I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate our First XI Cricket team, who, before Christmas, participated in the National Secondary schools Cricket competition (Gillette Cup – Top 5 schools), finishing third overall. An extraordinary achievement for a young side.
And I congratulate all of our 2022 Year 11-13 students on their exam results. For you, it has been a job very well done!
Thank you to all parents who have supported your sons in their academic endeavours last year, and for your continuing care and support of this school.
Ngā mihi nui
Jarred Williams
Important Dates:
Monday 6 February – Waitangi Day, School closed
Looking ahead:
Tuesday 14 February, 6:30 – 7:45pm – Year 9 Meet the Teachers
There was an error with some of the Year 10 core packs of stationery, purchased online and in store, up to and including January 25th.
These packs were missing 2 x 2B5 exercise books and 1 x 1J8 book. These can be picked up from the Office Products store in Onekawa
for no additional cost.
How to be involved as a parent at Napier Boys’ High School
The NBHS Parents Association meets once a term and is a great way for you to stay in touch with what is happening with the school. It gives you a parent voice and a greater connection with the school. There is no fundraising involved. If you are interested in coming along to the next meeting, please let us know. Contact Sarah Cook, 06 833 5900 or scook@nbhs.school.nz
Women Raising Boys Hui
‘Ask us [almost] anything’, open panel discussion – Monday 20 February, 6:00 – 8:00pm
This hui continues the popular ‘Women Raising Boys’ series. The evening is an open forum for questions facilitated by senior school staff. Please be in the Memorial Library at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start. Light refreshments are provided on arrival.
COVID Notification
We are still keeping track of any cases of Covid within our School Community for 2023. If your son tests positive for Covid19, can you please let the school know urgently by emailing the following email address:
It will be very helpful if you include, when you are notifying us that your son is a positive case, the following details:
1. The date he became symptomatic
2. The date he was tested.
As a reminder the Government COVID requirements are as follows
You must self-isolate for 7 days while you recover. Day 0 is the day your symptoms started or when you tested positive, whichever came first. Your Household Contacts do not need to isolate. They should test daily for 5 days.
If you have symptoms stay home and get tested
Palmerston North Sports Exchange – hosted at PNBHS
1st XI Cricket Tues 7th – Thurs 9th February
2nd XI Cricket and Tennis Wednesday 8th February
NBHS Swim Champs 22nd Feb at Onekawa Pool. This is for all students who wish to compete in the school championships. Listen to the school notices for entries in week 2 and 3.
This will be to find the top Junior, Intermediate or Senior champion held at Onekawa Pool.
HB secondary School Champs – 14 March at Flaxmere Pool. This team will be selected following School Champs.