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Course Selection

Please use the attached material as a starting point for current Y10 – 12 students to build their 2025 academic programme.

We encourage the selection of subjects to build a programme of study that meets your son’s future needs, whether they have an intended career pathway or are wanting to give themselves a variety of options.

Students are encouraged to make ‘informed decisions’. This means consulting the attached material and speaking with different groups before making their course selection. For example, parents, whānau, teachers, Deans, Careers Department and of course people in the related industries.

Bookings for Mr Te Rito, Careers Advisor, can be made directly by students at the Careers Office, or ph. 8335900 ext. 220.

Course selection for 2025 should be completed by Friday 30th August

Please complete course selection through the KAMAR parent portal – LINK HERE



The Napier Boys’ High Athlete Development Programme (ADP) is a high-performance programme aimed at developing athletes to reach the top of their respective sports. The programme philosophy matches the school’s, that students must be committed to their academic studies as their main priority. A strong work ethic is critical to both academic and sporting success.

The Athlete Development Programme will run during the second and third trimester of the Year 9 option programme. Students involved in the programme will have 4 hours per 6-day cycle in the Athlete Development Programme. The programme will replace one of their chosen Year 9 option subjects.

Application & Selection

Selection involves a thorough and objective process, conducted by a group of qualified staff. Applications will be discussed and further research into students’ abilities/attitudes will be carried out, where necessary. Selection is not limited to pure sporting ability; the students must display academic effort and focus in all areas of school life.

If your son would like to be part of this initiative, there will be an online application form sent via SchoolBridge.

Successful applicants will be notified at the beginning of 2025


Authenticity is the assurance that evidence of achievement produced by a learner is their own. At NBHS we manage this through regular checking of student work and assistive technology. All students who complete an internal assessment must complete a declaration that states that the work they that have submitted is their own.  

NZQA Assessment Information

Students can access information regarding internal and external NZQA assessments through this handbook. If you seek further clarification on any of these points, you can discuss this with your subject teacher, tutor or dean.

NZQA Student Handbook


Extensions for NCEA internal assessments will be granted at the discretion of the Principal’s Nominee. The attached extension form should be completed by the student’s parent or caregiver. Extensions will be granted for sickness. However, a medical certificate may be required.  

NCEA extension form

Derived Grades

Derived grades are evidence-based grades that we may award to students when they can’t attend an examination or external assessment, or their performance is impaired.

Common reasons why students apply for derived grades include:

  • a temporary acute illness or injury
  • a significantly disturbing or distressing experience
  • a sudden and significant change to a chronic illness that happens no more than 1 week before the student’s first affected assessment
  • national representation in a sport, academic or cultural event.

Derived grades are based on authentic, standard-specific evidence. This means evidence such as a student’s performance during our school Benchmark Examination period. Please complete the NZQA form (Derived grade form) and email gbundle@nbhs.school.nz